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Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Complete Refernce HTML

The Complete Reference HTML This book was updated assuming the "embrace the standards" trend will continue. HTML  is still well covered and the important table techniques are still presented, but compared to other books on HTML, heavy focus on what Netscape 2 did seven or more years ago is completely purged. Furthermore the focus is very much away from Netscape especially given that it has been recently discontinued and more on Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and Opera. Because of this focus on the future, the 2nd edition
should be both valuable to the standards-conscious designer looking for a reference as well as the newcomer hoping to learn what they need to know for today and tomorrow.
In closing, in my opinion any book that claims to be a "complete reference" has a pretty tough task to complete. But I do honestly believe that readers who study this book carefully will find that they have a complete understanding of HTML  and related client-side technologies. However, if you master this one, remember as I rediscover every day there is always more to know about Web development. So if you master markup, there are plenty of other books on JavaScript, Web Design, usability, and so on to keep you busy, so get cracking.
This Book is for the Practical work of 3rd Prof Pharm-D Assigned by Sir Shah Murad Uploaded By Dr.Naveed Ahmed Detho (2K9-PHA-60 M ) Stay with us... (Admin) 


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